Sunday, February 24, 2019

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The Boy Scouts of the Philippines, BSP, is the national Scout association of the Philippines in the World Organization of the Scout Movement. It was "granted Recognition as a Member Organisation of the Boy Scouts International Conference...with effect from 1–10–1946" by virtue of certification signed by J. S. Wilson, Olave Baden-Powell, and Daniel Spry.
For most of the late 20th century and into the 21st century, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines was among the largest Scout organizations in the world in terms of membership count (usually behind the Boy Scouts of the America
and the co-ed Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia), largely due to the organization's dependence on the Department Of Education.

Scout Oath and Law
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country, The Republic of the Philippines, and to obey the Scout law.
To help other people at all times,
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful,
Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.

Senior Scout Code

As a Senior Scout,
I will live the Scout Oath and Law and the Senior Scout motto and slogan.
I will be familiar with the Constitution of the Philippines especially my rights and obligations as a Filipino citizen.
I will share in my responsibilities to my home, school, church, neighborhood, community and country.
I will deal fairly and kindly with my fellowmen in the spirit of the Scout Law.
I will work to preserve our Filipino heritage, aware that the privileges I enjoy were won by hard work, sacrifice, clear thinking, and faith of our forefathers.
I will do everything in my power to pass a better Philippines to the next generation.


Fancy drills (Commands):

Thank You For Reading and Watching my Vlog.

For more info- Click Here:


  1. That's nice to know because you and other scouters can care our environments

  2. nice blog i really learned alot about scout

  3. Wow, so amazing I learned a lot of new things

  4. this is good to know about scouting.. Great job!

  5. Thanks for the info!I learned a lot about scouting!

  6. Good article! Hoping one day i can join the scouting movement. Coz i think its fun and you will learn a lot!

  7. nice article! keep up the good work.

  8. it's great, more detailed and colorful webpage and more information about scouts and good job!

  9. it's astonishing, I like and color palette of the webpage and the information is enough to know what is scouts are. excellent!

  10. This a great blog! I like how it gives great details and info about the scouts

  11. Nice blog! Thank u for helping us to know more about scouting

  12. wow nice blog it really nice to know about scouting!

  13. its inspiring for me because you and other scouters are helpful

  14. that's a very nice info about scouting, keep up the good work!

  15. very well explained! about scouting

  16. well thats nice to know about scouting

  17. Nice blog! Loved learning about scouts

  18. Scouts are the best

  19. Scouts scouts I remember when I'm scout it's really hard but lot of fun nice blog btw nice topic for who want to be scout

  20. Reading your blog makes me wanna join scouting again

  21. wownice blog! I learned more about scouting very informative!

  22. Now I know deeper about scouting, thanks!

  23. Nice blog!! Thanks for the info :)))
